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Business Case: CallBots managing medical appointments for Asisa
A success story in which Asisa, a leading insurance company in Spain, achieved amazing result implementing virtual agents or CallBots to create and manage their medical appointments.
2 functionalities that your Contact Center management system should allow you to apply to improve your quality policy.
If it is important for you to improve the quality policy of your call center, pay attention to these two functionalities that your Contact Center management system must allow you to apply.
How to apply the Uncanny Valley Theory to virtual agents or CallBots?
Are you worried about the reaction of your customers when interacting with a CallBot? In this article we talk about the Uncanny Valley Theory and we reflect on whether the incremental use of artificial intelligence really has such a significant influence on the user.
Top 5 practices to improve the productivity of your remote customer service team
In this article, we leave you with 5 best practices to improve the productivity of your customer service team, remotely and that you can implement today.