Financial Services
Efficient without leaving out any details
Optimise contact processes complying with legal standards. Increase your productivity. Manage collections with Artificial Intelligence and reduce your default rate. And all through a single platform. Do you want more? We will give it to you.
Many customers already trust us:

Get a headstart:
Let our CallBots take care of collection management:
Debt collection, card collections, follow-up of payment commitments, deferred payment plans, call scheduling … Leave it to our CallBots and free your agents: more efficient … and better!
Lower your default rate and react quickly
We have Lead Management tools so you can qualify and distribute your portfolio in a more agile way.
Optimise your contact process with our “Is at home” service
Through a massive campaign, we detect whether the customer has picked up the phone, and if they have, we call again from a different number (dynamic numbering).
Meets regulatory standards
We store and treat sensitive customer information, following the most demanding security and anti-fraud regulations (ISO and PCI).
And not only that, we can offer you more:
Everything in one platform.
We are CRM. And virtual PBX. And multichannel, and telemarketer. And the only one to offer you CallBots in Spain. Why not better?
Process automation, save time!
We help you manage your processes automatically and simplify task management so you can focus on what is important.
Better interaction and commitment with your customers.
We guarantee agility and organisation in your communications with them. We give the best of us so that you give the best of you.
Personalized customer experience.
Anticipate your customer’s needs through their history and create more personal communication with them.
More productivity, more savings.
Analyse the productivity of your agents in real time and increase it. We have the tools to increase your efficiency, and the technology to reduce costs by up to 80%. (Yes, 80%!).
Comprehensive communication management.
Communicate with your customers however you prefer; we have all the channels: chat, e-mail, SMS, telephone, social networks … Adapting has never been so easy.